Get ready for winter this fall!

1. Clean and clear your vents

With fall here, it is time to prepare for winter. Check your HVAC vents and make sure they are not blocked by furniture and are free of any dust and debris. When fall comes around, it's important to check all your HVAC vents for any dust or debris. This not only improves the efficiency of your HVAC system, it will save you money on your energy bill.

2. Time to change your filter

Regular replacement of your HVAC systems air filter is critical to the function of your unit and to it’s life. Ignoring the filter not only reduces efficiency, it can cause other problems with the components of your HVAC system. Filters are easy to replace, but if you don’t want to take it on, give Chad Baker a call for a quick and easy replacement. We’ll make sure it is the correct filter for your unit.

3. Check your outdoor unit

Over the summer, shrubs and plants can grow unchecked and interfere with your HVAC systems outdoor unity. Do a quick walk-around to make sure nothing is interfering with the units efficiency. As fall approaches, make sure that leaves don’t pile up around the unit or get into the fan area. Once again this will save you money by running more efficiently AND you’ll avoid a big repair bill later.

4. Schedule a routine maintenance visit

Contact Chad Baker and have an HVAC professional conduct a thorough inspection of your HVAC system and service any issues. Routine maintenance may extend the life of your unit and may keep your energy costs low.


Summer is just around the corner. HVAC check up time!


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